Saturday, 28 February 2009

In which I break my own rules

...and reveal personal and private information about myself. Ah well. When one has a point to make, this tends to happen.

The following post is reproduced verbatim from the LiveJournal belonging to yours truly:

WARNING: The following post contains opinions, generalisations, and general ranting. You have been warned.

This is something I've seen come up several times on the net when I've been searching around, and so I thought I'd try and get my thoughts on it down on paper (well, screen). Basically, the argument goes that people who conform to society's norms have privilege - straight privilege, cis-gendered privilege, etcetera (examples from the sites I read: I'm sure there's an argument for white privilege, middle-class privilege and that sort of thing)- and....well, here's where it gets ugly. Because this argument can get used in a way which looks something like this:

Gay and/or trans guy/girl: (GTG) : *rant about discrimination*
Straight and/or cis guy/girl (SCG): *comment which could be construed as 'I don't see what's so difficult about being trans/gay nowadays - everything's so much easier for you guys'*
GTG: *rant about how SCG is straight and/or cis and so the world is made for them and they can't possibly understand what GTG is on about and how dare they say all that*

That's not to say that privilege doesn't exist - it rather obviously does - but rather to say that using it as a reason to argue that you're a downtrodden minority who deserves much better treatment than everyone else is not exactly on. It smacks of 'poor little me, pity me'-ness, and quite honestly, quite a few of the people who use it seem to be people who have a lot of other privileges.

Then again, it can be entirely true. If someone makes an insensitive comment because they assume that what they get is what everyone else in the whole damn world gets, they're probably exercising their privilege without knowing it.

And one more point. Guilt-tripping people into agreeing with you because you're gay/trans/non-white/poor and therefore they, being straight/cis/white/middle or upper-class, owe you something gets old very quickly. Yes, you've been discriminated against. Yes, their social group were the ones who discriminated against you. But unless they themselves were/are involved in said discrimination or condoned it, all you're doing is making yourself look ridiculous. Why should they be blamed for something they have no connection with apart from sharing something they can't change with the people in question?

To go personal for a second: I'm white. I don't apologise for being white. My parents were white, their parents were white, and so on. I have no say in the fact I'm white. So don't blame me for being so. I'm middle-class. Again, I got no say in that. So don't assume that I need to kowtow to you because your family comes from a different social background and therefore I ought to feel guilty about that. Why the hells should I?

Looking at the other side of the issue: I'm trans, you (generic random cis person) are cis. You didn't choose that, I didn't choose this. I'm not going to assume you need to go with whatever I say because I belong to a group which has fewer privileges than yours. And until we (the LGBT community) stop acting like victims whenever we feel we need the moral highground, we're not going to get anywhere.

NOTE: I realise the last point was a huge generalisation. This isn't a question of a whole community. It's a question of a few individuals making it worse for the rest of us. *also realises it's a huge generalisation to start talking as if his views are representative of an entire community. Is not good at phrasing*

EDIT: And yes, my white middle-class privilege is probably showing. Bah. *re-reads post. Tries to work out if he's managed to seriously offend anyone without realising. Doesn't think he has* And if I have, I do apologise.

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